IKEA!! That's where
I went yesterday and it was fab :) It was my first trip to the Dublin store and I couldn't believe how busy it was! Think I'll wait for a quieter time to visit again though!
I still haven't got around to doing any new los but I
am getting lots of reading done! I finished New Moon when we were on holidays in Cork and I have to say that I really liked it ... more than Twilight. I'm not sure why though ... it's totally not my usual kind of book. I'm not a big fan of love stories (or vampires and were-wolves for that matter!) but I got completely engrossed and am now about half way through Eclipse. I also read Michael J. Fox's new book, Always looking Up (while I was waiting for my sister to finish Eclipse :) He has Parkinsons disease but the man is so unbelievably positive, proactive and upbeat it's inspiring.
Thought I'd share a lo that didn't end up getting posted for sa (first lo). This one was for the ribbon challenge. I liked it so much that I ended up buying some more of the Doodlebug paper (and I don't know if I've
ever bought any DB before!) and did a similar version (second lo) as a present for my sisters birthday (as that's my niece in the photo). I mounted it on a canvas so she could hang it on the wall.

I also just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who voted for me in the scrapbook apprentice competition. I'm delighted to have made it to the final :) There will be no more public votes but you can see all the finalists in the September issue of Creativity. Unfortunately my los and cards didn't turn out so great for the mag ... think I'm just way too slow to do work I'd be happy with in a day and a half :( Oh well ... at least I was pretty happy with all my other work in the other rounds. Have a great weekend!!